

Sunday morning worship is our favorite part of International Ministry!


Every May, we embark on an International Mission Trip in order to be the hands and feet of Christ, as well as see how Christ lives in new cultures.

We’ve gone to Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Rwanda!

Our 2022 team in Fort Myers Beach where we cleaned debris from Hurricane Ian.


Every Winter Break, we go on a Domestic Mission Trip where we love our neighbors as Christ has taught.

We’ve gone to Myrtle Beach, Fort Myers Beach, Key West, Pensacola, Houston, Florence, Hayesville, Murphy, and Wilmington.

Here students are packing Thanksgiving Meals for local Blessing Boxes!

Local Service

Through our connections with various campuses, churches, businesses, and organizations, we offer a constant stream of Service Opportunities for students.

Some of these projects include local church repair/maintenance, soup kitchens, clothes closets, warming shelters, and more!