Student Leadership


Leadership Training

Our Leadership is a vital aspect of our ministry. We offer students a variety of opportunities to step up and lead their campuses to know God better. Our Leaders guide discussions among their peers and are available as a resource for their classmates. Many of our leaders also assist with set up and tear down at our various campus meetings. Additionally, our leaders help share our ministry with other students, local churches, and beyond.

We select our Leadership Team each school year through student nomination, and we strive to find students who are mature in their faith and committed to the ministry. It is important that our Leaders are able to lead by example in all they do, and so to continually nurture their Christian walk, we host Leadership meetings and one-on-ones.

Becoming a Student Leader inspired me to dive deeper into Wesley and experience other nights of the week outside of my usual Wednesday night group. Leadership also helped me better connect with my faith as it had helped me place Christ as a pinnacle in my life that I connect with everyday instead of letting my relationship with Him fall on the backburner due to school. 

Maggie May (CofC, ‘23)

Worship Team

Here we are to worship

It is a particular point of pride in our ministry that our Worship Team is completely student led and organized! We are blessed with incredibly talented students. They practice once a month in order to make sure that our worship is Christ-centered and impactful.

Any students with a passion for music, worship, and/or audio tech are encouraged to join our Worship Team! Reach out to us if you would like to join!

If you would like our Worship Team to lead worship for your small group, church, or event, please reach out to Clayton Tovo!

It’s the most rewarding experience to see how the music we play affects our congregation. I couldn’t be more thankful for being able to play with the amazing people I worship with.

William McNay (Citadel, ‘24)